I’ve officially decided: I’m going to be doing all my blogging over at Marian Allen’s Fiction Site. I tried to keep it professional over there, I really did, but I just can’t.

As I’ve said before, everything is writing, so everything fits the theme of a Writing Blog.

I will have three Actual Content Days over there:

Monday: Writing information and advice

Wednesday: Food writing, information and recipes

Friday: Grab Bag–One of my passions explored, or something.

I’ll probably continue to post there just about every day, in addition to these categories. The posts can be sorted by categories, so people looking for just one kind can find that one kind, including Uncategorized.

Still posting at Fatal Foodies on Tuesdays, Echelon Explorations on the 14th of the month, The Write Type once a month, Goodreads and other places now and then.

This blog will remain up for the archives, which I plan to mine for useful posts, and for the fanfic, which will remain here.

See you at http://MarianAllen.com — I hope!